TDRA Membership Form

(* Compulsory fields)
Please complete the TDRA membership form and email proof of payment to with your name as a reference. Membership is due on 1 March each year.

Account: Tokai District Riding Association
Standard Bank
Branch: Blue Route
Branch code: 025609
Account number: 03 808 1458

For EFTs, please use your surname and initial as a reference.

(Required to add access to Chrysalis & Picnic Site gates with Gatekeeper system)
(Name of the person who referred you to the TDRA)
Do you wish to receive email communication
Do you compete competitively
Do you own or Lease your horses
Where are your horses kept
Are you an instructor

SANParks Activity Permit
If you wish to ride in SANParks, you will need a Level 3 Activity Permit, which is R660 a year. Get one from the SANParks Office in Tokai Road (through the booms). Office hours are 08:00 to 12:30 and 13:00 to 15:45 Monday to Friday. You need to take two ID photos for your permit.

MyActivity Permit Form